Another Week Beyond – 2031

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, digital literacy, digital literacy, Donations in kind, Education, youth

Dear Friends, We continued to learn from our interns. This time, from those who were helping us with our efforts at providing internet connectivity to our members.  They coordinated the distribution of donated pre-loved devices and often found themselves trouble shooting when members had difficulty connecting to wi-fi or were simply fumbling with an unfamiliar device. They made it clear to us that facilitating internet connectivity was not just a matter of providing a device or wi-fi connection but an ongoing promotion of digital literacy and this begins by removing barriers to learning and help seeking.  A parent approached us hesitantly …

Another Week Beyond – 2030

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, internship, internship, volunteer

Interns have been a very valuable resource for our work and the organisation. With the diversity of skills they bring, we have had much support in grant applications, communications, research, administration and fieldwork.  This week, 6 of them who were helping us to administer our COVID-19 Family Assistance Fund said goodbye after 10 weeks and as they reflected on their experience during the exit interview, we continued to learn much from them. “Just because someone needs financial assistance, it does not mean that he or she can access it.” One of them sighed and recounted how almost everyone she met had much difficulty …

Another Week Beyond – 2029

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Family Group Conference, Family Group Conference, Restorative Justice, youth

Dear Friends, Morris (AWB – 2026) was all smiles as he got onto a WhatsApp video call with 2 volunteer mentors. One is a psychologist running his own practice and the other, an operations manager at a health and wellness business.  Last week, the Court considered the supplementary report from his probation officer and he was given a 21-month probation order. He is to remain indoors from 10 pm to 6 am and will be electronically monitored for 6 months. He must also perform 80 hours of community service and his mother has been bonded to ensure his good behaviour and …

Another Week Beyond – 2028

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Children and youth, youth

Dear Friends, Today, Singapore votes. At a virtual Youth Day Celebration last Sunday, we asked our young people what they understood or thought about the elections as they were enjoying a meal prepared and delivered by a family living near them.   With COVID-19 looming, we are mindful that wherever possible we provide opportunities for our members to put some money into their pockets.   Perhaps, the food was so good that the question was ignored but eventually, one replied that he was a little too young to understand. Others concurred but another who was a little older added that if given a …

Another Week Beyond – 2027

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, volunteer

Dear Friends, Now that we are in the second phase of our reopening, many of us are settling into a ‘Covid-19-safe’ routine that feels normal.   It is easy to let our guard down against the virus threat or to forget the contributions of our essential workers these past months.  Hence, we were most heartened that 9 youth aged from 12 to 17 years old, decided to reach out to neighbours who are front line or essential workers with a gesture of appreciation. With an interest in Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, they decided to use their skills to create notes …