Another Week Beyond – 2106

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Family Group Conference, Restorative Justice, youth

Dear Friends Morris was beaming. He had just completed 6 months of probation without a hitch. The electronic tag around his ankle has been removed but he still has 15 months to go.  We are rooting for him to finish the probation order successfully, but he senses our apprehension. “I just got my little tattoo shop, and I am going to be busy making a living. You don’t have to worry about me,” he assures us. Last year, Morris participated in a family group conference [AWB –   2026 & 2029]   to craft and commit to his care and supervision plan for the court’s consideration.  Since then, he …

Another Week Beyond – 2029

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Family Group Conference, Family Group Conference, Restorative Justice, youth

Dear Friends, Morris (AWB – 2026) was all smiles as he got onto a WhatsApp video call with 2 volunteer mentors. One is a psychologist running his own practice and the other, an operations manager at a health and wellness business.  Last week, the Court considered the supplementary report from his probation officer and he was given a 21-month probation order. He is to remain indoors from 10 pm to 6 am and will be electronically monitored for 6 months. He must also perform 80 hours of community service and his mother has been bonded to ensure his good behaviour and …

Another Week Beyond – 1933

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Family Group Conference

Dear Friends, A couple of weeks ago, we asked a group of mothers if the gifts we channelled into their neighbourhoods were important. We anticipated that they would say “Yes,” less we stop being a conduit for goodwill from the larger community.  “Not always,” was their answer but they do find it comforting receiving presents for their children because they cannot afford to give them, and they want their children to be happy. Gifts are a tangible way of expressing care, concern and for strengthening a relationship. Over the past 3 years we have flowed in some $450k worth of …

Another week Beyond – 1930

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Children and youth, Family Group Conference, Restorative Justice

Dear Friends, Since March this year, parents from 2   families found it extremely awkward whenever they bumped into each other. Both mothers were also involved in our baking projects, but they cooperated dutifully in the interest of finishing the work. So, it was much relief to both families that they are on speaking terms once again after attending a family group conference for the care and supervision of an 8-year-old boy we shall call Eddie. About 3 months ago, Eddie was watching over his 6-year-old brother who was having fun on a skate scooter.   After whizzing around the playground on …