Dear friends, 9 youth showed up for a screening of the movie “Inside Out” even though they have all seen it before. Some of them have seen it several times too. The movie was our way of continuing a conversation on mental health and inviting more youth to join HeadStrong, a safe and brave space for learning strategies to improve psychological and emotional wellbeing. Before the movie began, we asked what emotions they experienced regularly and while happiness and hopefulness were mentioned, so were sadness, fear, disappointment, and tiredness. One revealed that the moments he felt good did not last long and he …
Another Week Beyond – 2216
Dear friends, Over the past couple of weeks, we have been distributing Care Packs provided by T-PRIDE and the Temasek Foundation to our members in different neighbourhoods. T-PRIDE was established in November 2020 to enhance community resilience during a pandemic. The Care Packs contained face masks, sanitisers, mouth gargle and a digital blood pressure monitor. When Ferlynn who lives at the Yishun neighbourhood learnt that she and her neighbours will be receiving the care packs, she felt strongly that the gift distribution exercise presented an opportunity for neighbours to learn or be reminded about the dangers of hypertension. Many in her …
Another Week Beyond – 2215
Dear friends, Over the past 2 Sunday mornings, we had the privilege of sitting with a group of neighbours who have come together because they want to make their neighbourhood a better place for all who who live there. Their neighbourhood comprises 2 blocks of flats with a total of 322 units where approximately 44% house families with young people below 18 years old. The other units house older persons and working adults. It has been a privilege because on both occasions when the meeting ended, we walked away moved by the generosity of care these people extended to each other …
Another Week Beyond – 2214
Dear friends, Early last month, after hearing her 3 children grumble that we have not invited them on an outing for a long time, the mother told her children to contact us to see what they could do for their community. She told them to gather their friends as well. So, 3 weeks ago, 4 youths showed up at our office to explore if they could meet regularly to organise activities for themselves and their community. After some discussions, they decided to meet weekly, and their first project will be to organise a breaking of fast meal happening later this evening. 7 …
Another Week Beyond – 2213
Dear friends, On Sunday evening at 8 pm, a colleague received a text from a mother of 3, I will refer to as Donna. Donna wrote that she was in pain, feeling extremely anxious and frightened. She was texting from the hospital and requested for my colleague to meet her there. A few minutes later, a nurse from the hospital called my colleague to inform that Donna was at the A & E department and had identified her as the person to call in the event of an emergency. When my colleague arrived at the hospital slightly after 9 pm, she …