Another Week Beyond – 2350

Comms Team Another Week Beyond

We are partnering Singapore Gymnastics for a Cartwheel-a-thon on 13 January 2024 and on Wednesday, they held a gymnastics class for our children. When the session was over and the kids were having their refreshments, a volunteer asked me what I do. It was a good question for a meaningful conversation and after spontaneously replying that I oversee the day-to-day running of the organisation which includes budgets and such, I became a little more reflective. I told her that nurturing a community workplace where collegaues are safe, inspired, and informed is a task that I prioritise. This is a workplace …

Another Week Beyond – 2349

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Children and youth, Community

Dear friends,  About 6 months ago, a colleague struck up a conversation with a passer-by who was curious why a bunch of youths were hanging out with her at the playground. She learnt that he was a police officer who also had a keen interest in sepak takraw. She then told him about the youth’s interest in the game and he offered to link her to others who were enthusiastic about the game.  Sepak Takraw is played in the neighbourhoods we engage, and caregivers come together to watch their children juggle a rattan ball without the use of their arms. As …

Another Week Beyond – 2348

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Community, community spirit

Dear friends,  In our community building efforts, we strive for residents taking ownership of endeavours that enhance their well-being and that of their community. Over the years, we have had the privilege of working alongside several such residents who have volunteered their ideas, time, and energy enthusiastically. What drives them to give freely is a sense of belonging to their community and as the community belongs to them, they want to look after it as best as they can. As we listened, we were reminded that awareness of an effort must emerge from the House with 5 Windows which is …