Another Week Beyond – 2023

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Employment, Employment

Dear Friends, During the circuit breaker we were in touch with 235 persons who were unemployed and looking for work.   We kept them informed of job opportunities and linked them to resources provided by the government, the labour movement and other non-government organisations.  Most job applications were online and several needed assistance navigating e-portals as well as putting together simple resumes to upload.   Our actions offered these members some comfort but those who have been unable to nail down a job would   probably feel much discouraged.  From speaking with these jobseekers, we also learnt that distance to the workplace is an important factor for …

Another Week Beyond – 2021

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Community, foreign workers, Volunteers

Dear Friends, This has been a very different Ramadan for our Muslim friends and on Sunday, Hari Raya Puasa will be devoid of visits to extended family.  Community activities synonymous with the past month of prayer and reflection were missing but it was our experience that the empathy for those who are less fortunate, and acts of generosity and compassion were not. A group of volunteers outreaching to rough sleepers ordered a batch of cookies from us.  They have been providing toiletries and sundries but felt that a little cheer in a bottle of home-made cookies during Ramadan would be appropriate.  These volunteers …

Another Week Beyond – 2018

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Children and youth, Employment

Dear Friends, With the assistance of Lalamove, an approved courier who provided their services pro-bono, we delivered 41 computers and 7 portable wi-fi dongles this week.    In total, we have given out 122 computers and 81 dongles. While school holidays begin today and home-based learning takes a break, our efforts to bridge the digital divide will continue as digital inclusion is very much social inclusion.  2 days ago, in a Channel News Asia feature entitled, Home-based learning blues: Life in a rental flat during the COVID-19 circuit breaker, a mother was quoted “In my heart, it is not cramped. We are thankful to have a roof over …

Another Week Beyond – 2016

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Community, Family Assistance Fund, food, Volunteers

Dear Friends, It is Day 11 of the 28-day Circuit Breaker and on behalf of everyone in our membership, our volunteers, and my colleagues, I thank you for all the warm and encouraging support that has come our way. I also send you our best wishes and kindest thoughts.  Food distribution was an ongoing challenge and when a couple of planned exercises had to be postponed because of safety concerns, anxiety levels increased. It was not just going to bed with an empty stomach but, from the few calls I received, I gathered that a comforting source of support was …

Another Week Beyond – 2015

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Community, Donation laptops, Good Friday, Volunteers

Dear Friends, Trust you are keeping well and safe during this unprecedented time. Immediately after the circuit-breaker was announced, we reorganized ourselves to fulfill 3 essential services: financial assistance, food assistance and connectivity facilitation. While most of the work is done remotely, food distribution requires us to be in the community. Hence, we are very grateful to our friends who have been providing us with the safety gear that keeps us safe as we go about our work.   In the light of the stricter precautionary measures, we reviewed our operating protocols and were confident that they were good enough. During …

Another Week Beyond 2014

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Children and youth, Community, Volunteers

Dear Friends, 6 weeks ago, when we spoke to 200 of our members, most were jovial and about half indicated that they were coping well. As we collated our calls this week, we got a sense that the mood is now sombre. Many are experiencing difficulties with employment and are worried about meeting basic needs. Those with school going children were concerned with their lack of connectivity. We have been responding with food and financial aid, retraining and work opportunities as well as facilitating connectivity.  We requested for donations of pre-loved laptops last week and could certainly do with a lot more so please …

Another Week Beyond – 2013

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, Children and youth, Donation laptops, Donations in kind, Laptop donation, Tutoring, Volunteers

Dear Friends, “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” This is the difference between life and school articulated by author Tom Bodett.  As of midnight today, all gatherings outside school and work are to be limited to 10 persons or less as directed by our multi-ministerial task force against COVID-19. Hence, “How do we continue to support children with their schoolwork?” was a test and the answers emerging are the lessons we are learning. Before sorting out the practicalities of tutoring via a face call, …