Dear Friends, It is Day 11 of the 28-day Circuit Breaker and on behalf of everyone in our membership, our volunteers, and my colleagues, I thank you for all the warm and encouraging support that has come our way. I also send you our best wishes and kindest thoughts. Food distribution was an ongoing challenge and when a couple of planned exercises had to be postponed because of safety concerns, anxiety levels increased. It was not just going to bed with an empty stomach but, from the few calls I received, I gathered that a comforting source of support was …
Another Week Beyond – 2015
Dear Friends, Trust you are keeping well and safe during this unprecedented time. Immediately after the circuit-breaker was announced, we reorganized ourselves to fulfill 3 essential services: financial assistance, food assistance and connectivity facilitation. While most of the work is done remotely, food distribution requires us to be in the community. Hence, we are very grateful to our friends who have been providing us with the safety gear that keeps us safe as we go about our work. In the light of the stricter precautionary measures, we reviewed our operating protocols and were confident that they were good enough. During …
Another Week Beyond – 2013
Dear Friends, “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” This is the difference between life and school articulated by author Tom Bodett. As of midnight today, all gatherings outside school and work are to be limited to 10 persons or less as directed by our multi-ministerial task force against COVID-19. Hence, “How do we continue to support children with their schoolwork?” was a test and the answers emerging are the lessons we are learning. Before sorting out the practicalities of tutoring via a face call, …
Another Week Beyond – 2006
Dear Friends, We used to have a residential facility that operated as a small-group home and at times, a retreat centre for families to make decisions about the challenges they were facing. Upon welcoming these families, we would tell them that if they needed a piece of furniture or a home appliance that was at the premises, they should let us know and we will send it over to their home. You see, our facilities are mainly furnished with pre-loved items that are constantly coming to us through a goodwill pipeline from the larger Singapore community and giving away what …