Another Week Beyond – 2027

Comms Team Another Week Beyond, volunteer

Dear Friends, Now that we are in the second phase of our reopening, many of us are settling into a ‘Covid-19-safe’ routine that feels normal.   It is easy to let our guard down against the virus threat or to forget the contributions of our essential workers these past months.  Hence, we were most heartened that 9 youth aged from 12 to 17 years old, decided to reach out to neighbours who are front line or essential workers with a gesture of appreciation. With an interest in Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, they decided to use their skills to create notes …

Another Week Beyond – 2022

Comms Team Another Week Beyond

Dear Friends, The past 8 weeks were a very busy period for us, but we consider ourselves most fortunate to have been in a position of use to others.  We were not simply attending to the needs of families, but a significant proportion of our energy was spent attending to the numerous offerings of goodwill. The generosity, care and concern that came forth were tremendous and the saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” came to mind.   As we processed more applications for financial assistance, we got a sense that it was very difficult for people to be …