Dear friends,
In our community building efforts, we strive for residents taking ownership of endeavours that enhance their well-being and that of their community. Over the years, we have had the privilege of working alongside several such residents who have volunteered their ideas, time, and energy enthusiastically. What drives them to give freely is a sense of belonging to their community and as the community belongs to them, they want to look after it as best as they can.
As we listened, we were reminded that awareness of an effort must emerge from the House with 5 Windows which is our way of remembering 5 Ws & 1 H of “What, Why, Who, When, Where and How.” Sharing the framework with these mothers will help them communicate better with those who may find their Parenthood Circle relevant.
We are glad they took up our suggestion and so this Saturday, they will explain to interested neighbours that “The Parenthood Circle is a friendship club among mothers who want to care for their children better. Members live in rental neighbourhoods, offer each other a listening ear and practical help where needed. It meets at least once a month at a neighbourhood facility or a member’s home and meetings are coordinated via WhatsApp.”
We wish the Parenthood Circle another joyful Saturday community activity tomorrow.
For peace and community,
We choose to have faith that there are good reasons for others not attending what is important to us. We will let them know that even if they say no now, they will always be welcome in the future.