Our People

President: Mr Alvin Yapp

Vice President: Mr Peter Hum

Honorary Treasurer: Mr Peter Lim

Honorary Secretary:
Mr Andy Leck

Founder Member Representative:
Sr Veronica de Roza

Board Members:

Mr Alok Kochhar
Ms Clara Lee
Dr Hana Alhadad
Mrs Lekha George

Click to view profiles.

All Board and Board Committee Members are volunteers who contribute pro-bono their time, expertise and services. They do not receive any remuneration for their efforts.

As part of the Board selection process, potential candidates who have been referred for a position in the Board will undergo an interview process with the Appointment & Nomination Committee. In selecting possible Board members, the ANC considers the person’s  commitment to the cause, and the expertise needed to strengthen the governance of the organisation.

Board members are also updated on suitable courses/seminars that will enable them to fulfil their Board roles. The Board evaluates board effectiveness based on a list of parameters that covers strategy, oversight and policy.

I am looking to:

If you’ve got some or a lot of change to spare, every dollar you donate will better the lives of disadvantaged children through our programmes.

Find out more about volunteering with us and sign up as an individual or in a group. Come join us in serving over 3,000 families and 6,000 youths.

If you’re a school, community group, government body or a voluntary welfare organisation seeking to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people, we’d love to partner you.