Youths are challenged to co-create the neighbourhood they would like to live in as well as to self-organise around issues that matter to them or simply what they care about.
Social and recreation activities provide a context for holistic non-formal education where youth pick up life and leadership skills from the experience and the presence of caring adults.
We encourage voluntarism among youth with a view of nurturing community leaders for the longer run.
Safe and brave space for youth mental health; co-created and led by youth for mutual support and assistance.
Social support & mutual aid
WhatsApp Group formed connecting and engaging 20 youths
Youths deepened understanding of trauma and acquired self-regulation techniques over 10 sessions, including mindfulness walks and workshops
All youth have gained confidence in giving emotional support to peers and became more receptive to receiving help from external field experts.
Peer support group has grown to 25 youth members who have identified strongly with the group’s purpose.
Organized Human Library; peer tutoring; explored financial literacy support of the initiative.
Students from institutions of higher learning who share resources, encourage each other, and serve as role models for children in their neighbourhoods.
Using theatre craft as a medium to engage and activate neighbours to understand and act on their shared challenges.
Reached out to 45 youths in the neighbourhood
Core group comprising of 15 members emerged, led by a youth who was a former participant
A forum theatre performance showcased in May 2023
30 youth assisted with the study of work-related challenges faced by low-income youth in Singapore. The study surfaced their challenges, aspirations, and motivations among low-income youth securing work in Singapore.
Completed study will help to generate further conversations around work
Youth-led social network that enhances employability among members.
Facilitating participation in sports, arts, and other activity-based experiential learning programmes.